5566 West Chester Road  West Chester, OH  45069   USA

Luxury home furnishings and gifts from Frontgate include home decor for the living room, bedroom and bathroom, dining room, kitchen and home office as well as outdoor furniture, outdoor entertaining and decor. Upscale products and specialty gifts such as home electronics, cookware and cutlery, bed linens and bath towels, seasonal decor, pet products, home care, high-end grills and outdoor appliances are featured. Catalog requests only available for US addresses. Catalog can also be viewed online.

25 West 53 Street  New York, NY  10019   USA

The MoMA Store offers high-end gifts from the Museum of Modern Art. Many items are represented in the Museum's collections including designer home furnishings and luxury home decor, posters, matted and framed art prints, books, jewelry, watches and accessories, stationery, desktop, kitchen and tabletop items, furniture and lighting as well as toys and games for kids. Corporate gifts and gift registry available. Catalog requests only from US addresses. International orders accepted. Catalog can be viewed online.

Hammacher Schlemmer
147 E. 57th St  New York, NY  10022   USA

Established in 1848, Hammacher Schlemmer offers a wide variety of luxury gift items ranging from collections of apparel for men and women, innovative gadgets and electronics to items for the home and home office. Fine housewares and home care, outdoor furniture and outdoor living products, health and personal care items, high-end toys and games as well as travel products and lavish pet gear. Corporate gift program available. International catalog requests accepted.

roche bobois
18, rue Lyon Cedex 12  75012  Paris   FRANCE
+33 (0) 1 53 46 10 20

Roche Bobois propose des collections de plusieurs meubles de
et designer décoration pour la maison. Groupes exclusifs de ameublement pour la maison et le décor comprend mobilier contemporain avec des dessins haut de gamme, matériaux, couleurs, styles modernes et sophistiqués. Articles pour la maison tels que les canapés, chaises, tables, meubles de chambre ....  eCatalogue est disponible en plusieurs langues qui peuvent être vu en ligne et téléchargé en format PDF.   
[Original English]