Via Palazzina, 8 42016 Guastalla Reggio Emilia   ITALY

Bertazzoni features a variety of their luxury ranges and cooktops for the home kitchen. Ranges, ovens and cooktop series have high tech programmable cooking modes and designs with professional, modern, traditional and contemporary styles, colors, finishes and specifications. The latest collections of their precision engineered built-in and freestanding high end stoves and range models with matching cooktops, hoods and backsplashes are offered. The catalogue can be downloaded in PDF format.

CRA 70 No 31 - 53 Belén Rosales  Medellín   COLOMBIA
+57 (4) 265 27 99

Bésame, un líder en el sur de la marca de moda americana, ofrece colecciones de de las mujeres prendas intimas y lencería. Nuevos estilos de temporada de sujetadores, demi taza de sujetadores, triangular sostenes copa, bragas, calzoncillos y tangas Panty, muñecas, ligas y camisolas en ropa interior exclusiva para juegos mujeres con parte superior e inferior se separa con diseños detallados de lycra telas de encaje bordado ... El Bésame catálogo se puede descargar y ver en formato PDF.   [Original English]

Hookstone Chase  Harrogate  North Yorkshire  HG2 7LD   UK
+44 (0) 142 381 4008

Bettys, founded by a Swiss chocolatier in 1919, features handmade chocolates such as truffles, fondants, creams, pralines, chocolate nuts and fruits in luxury chocolate collections. The Craft Bakery features special occasion cakes, shortbread biscuits and fancy tea time treats such as fruit cakes, loaf cakes, scones and seasonal holiday novelties. Gourmet gift boxes, hampers and corporate gifts available. Prices in £. Selected items can be shipped internationally. The latest catalogue can be viewed online.

Wedding & Celebration Cakes
Hookstone Chase  Harrogate  North Yorkshire  HG2 7LD   UK
+44 (0) 142 381 4008

Bettys Wedding & Celebration Cakes are hand decorated and handmade to order. A variety of luxurious cake designs and sizes to choose from for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and christenings. Cake service details given on ordering, personalized designs and delivery options. Bettys, founded by a Swiss chocolatier in 1919, is known for their gourmet chocolates and other special occasion cakes. The latest catalogue can be viewed online.

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