La Cigogne Gourmande
13 rue de l'Eglise  67 203 Oberschaeffosheim   FRANCE
+33 (0) 3 90 20 24 24

La Cigogne Gourmande specializes in gourmet foods and authentic Alsatian cuisine from Alsace, in eastern France. Traditional foods such as Choucroute sauerkraut, gourmet Munster cheese as well as specialty meats such as Magrets are featured. Duck and goose foie gras and pate, gourmet sausage, specialty meats and fish, pasta, sweets, jams and condiments are also offered. Catalogue in French language. Prices in €. Catalogue requests and orders only for French addresses.

Le Club des Créateurs de Beauté
Hertz Straße 175  D-76187  Karlsruhe   DEUTSCHLAND
+49 (0) 180 524 13 13

CCB, Le Club des Créateurs de Beauté, bietet Designer-Kosmetik und Schönheitsprodukte aus Paris. Die neuesten Innovationen, neue Produkte und Trends in der Damen Make-up, Hautpflege für alle Hauttypen, Gesichtspflege, Körperpflege, Nagelpflege und Haarpflegeprodukte, Parfüms und Duftstoffe werden vorgestellt. Preise in €. Die Kataloganforderung und Warenbestellungen nur in Deutschland und Österreich möglich. Das Katalog kann auch online angesehen werden ... [Original English]

Cocker's Roses
Lang Stracht  Aberdeen  AB15 6XH  Scotland   UK
+44 (0) 1224 313261

Cocker's Roses, established in 1841, was granted the Royal Warrant as Suppliers of Roses in 1976. Hundreds of varieties of new and award winning garden roses including collections of Hybrid Tea roses, full and half-standard roses, Floribunda roses, low growing and patio roses, shrub roses, climbing and rambling roses as well as selection of Gandy's Hybrid Tea Roses, English Roses and Classic Shrub roses. Orders only shipped within the UK, the Channel Islands or the EU. Shipping charge for catalogue requests.


Acevedo 200  Capital Federal  Código Postal 1414   ARGENTINA


Las colecciones de temporada de Cocot diseñador lencería, ropa íntima y ropa de dormir para las mujeres, los adolescentes y las niñas también incluye la ropa interior, camisetas, calcetines y medias en una variedad de colores de moda y estilos. Ropa interior de mujer, tales como sujetadores, bragas, tangas, ligueros, medias, trajes de cuerpo, batas de baño, resbalones y conjuntos de micro bikini en nuevos colores y patrones ... [Original English]

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